Mr. Clips™
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Mr. Clips™ are the ultimate solution for efficiently identifying cords and cables in the power, transmission, utility, and electrical industries, as well as for the average homeowner!
Designed to enhance accuracy and reduce errors during maintenance and repair tasks, these durable clips are a must-have for professionals in the field and anyone managing cords and cables at home.
Mr. Clips™ are incredibly versatile and easy to use. Simply attach them to cords and cables to clearly mark and identify specific connections or circuits. These clips allow you to streamline your work processes, improve organization, and enhance overall efficiency!
Mr. Clips™ are available in 1-inch, 1.5-inch, and 2-inch sizes. 1.5 Inch Mr. Clips are pictured in the in-use photos.
Mr. Clips™ are sold in convenient packs of 50.